Employee Application Form

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 To know Our HR strategy and Plan, Click here

To know The Key Role of Employees in Building a Stronger Kemedar Company, Click here

To know more details about Vested stock Option, Click here

To know more details about Kemecoin, Click here

To know list of vacant Jobs now, Click here. if you do not find your perfect job, please submit this form

To appoint a meeting on Zoom or Google Meet  https://calendar.app.google/9KfqMyRfpsZHi2bc9

Full Name *

Please state date of start the work
Please state date of start the work
Monday 9.00 A.M-12 PM and from 7.00PM to 10.30 PM
Tuesday  5.00 PM to 10.00 PM
And so on. You can also specify how many available hours you can work each day with free hours
Describe yourself in not less than 5 lines (your goals, your experiences, your education, your skills, your ambition...etc.)
Please send Photo Copy by email with subject your name franchise owner : Your name  to
Please specify with time. xx $/month or /hour or /week
Please specify with time. xx kemecoin0/month or /hour or /week. 
Please specify with time. xx kemecoin100/month or /hour or /week
Separate email addresses with a comma.