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Kemedar Partnership Programs

Kemedar Photo-Album

Kemedar Pitch deck_25p

Kemedar Pitch deck-10-Slides

Kemedar Products Portfolio Free-Paid

Kemedar Supporting & Company documents

New Innovations in Kemedar.

Some-unique-features in Kemedar

Systems and MiniApps in Kemedar

Video Gallery

Financial Plan

Income Statement projection for 3 Years Egypt

Income Statement Projection for 3 Years Saudi Arabia

Income Statement projection for 3 Years UAE

Kemedar convertible note company

Kemedar Business Plan

Kemedar as a Proptech

Kemedar as a Super App

Employees role for success of Kemedar

Employment plan in Kemedar

Introduction for Kemedar Business Plan

Kemecoin role in realestate

Kemedar & Blockchain Technology

Kemedar Competitive Analysis

Kemedar Echosystem Individuals & Companies

Kemedar example for Big database we own

Investment strategy and How to invest?

Kemedar Managerial and HR Plan

Kemedar Marketing Plan & Products

Kemedar Partnership Opportunities

Kemedar Investment Strategy Protocol

Kemedar Stock Certificate




Kemedar Assignment HR Protocol_ar

Board of Directors Job Description_ar

Kemedar Company Governance Law

Kemedar Executive plan and job analysis_ar

Kemedar-Used Forms in our HR Department

Organizational Chart kemedar-ar

Our Beautiful minds and Team Seniors

Complete Business Plan Arabic

Example of Financial Plan Saudi Arabia

Franchise Opportunity Presentation

Kemedar Long Presentation Arabic

Kemedar Short Presentation Arabic

2021 Proptech & VC Report

Future Proptech Report

Proptech q1 2022-Report

Proptech Global Trends-2021

Exclusive System Partnership Program

Exclusive System Partnership Agreement