AI & Blockchain technology | 28+ MiniApps | 110+ Search Filters | 35+ Countries | 18 Languages | 5+ Million Properties | 220K Agents & Developers |250+ Cpanel features | 20+ User types | 40+ Unique features | 55+ Products & Services
Kemedar values its investors as true partners, striving for satisfaction & mutual benefit with trust and transparency.
Introduction to Kemedar's
Partnership Programs
Opening a Branch or
Office with Kemedar
Establishing a Kemedar Country
Branch A Step-by-Step Guide.
Establishing a Kemedar Area
Branch A Step-by-Step Guide
Granting Franchise Rights
for specific area
Kemedar Branch Partnership VS
Franchise System: Key Differences
Register As Kemedar Area
Franchise Owner
Register As Kemedar
Office Manager
Exclusive Partnership in
specific app or project
Register to be our Exclusive Partner
in specific system in your country
All brochures you need to get the
right decision to partner with us
More than 50+ Videos about all
all our systems and features
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